What is LiFi?

You and I cannot even imagine that technology is changing as fast as it is today. In this fast-changing world, many of our tasks have become easier and its entire focus goes to technology. Till today, Wi-Fi technology is used to create wireless networks, but it may be replaced by Li-Fi technology in the coming times. For your information, I would like to tell you that testing is going on in India on this technology. This technology also has some advantages and some drawbacks which we will discuss in this post.

The world’s growing obsession for more data at faster speeds is pushing the potential of WiFi to its limits. By 2019 it is predicted that the world will exchange about 35 quintals of bytes of data every month. Li-Fi The emerging technology for exchanging data using light of varying intensity may be in line with our desire to achieve a higher speed range. Now it will be known only by the use of Li-Fi technology what kind of technology is this.


The full name of LiFi is Light Fidelity. Simply put, Li-Fi is an acronym for Light Fidelity as is Wi-Fi for Wireless Fidelity. Li-Fi is a wireless technology that transmits high-speed data using visible light communication. This technology was started by Professor Herald Haas of the University of Edinburgh. Herald Haas put the Li-Fi concept in front of people in 2011 and told how you can transmit or communicate your data with the help of Li Light. Since then he has been working on this technology.

There is a technology that works many times faster than all of them. In one of its tests, Professor Harald Haas showed transferring the data, then at that time, the data was transferred through LiFi at the speed of 224 GB / second.

According to lab experiments, 224 gigabits per second is the speed that has been observed for Li-Fi. Li-Fi is a subset of optical wireless communication (OWC). This technology uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit data wirelessly.

Li-Fi communication is a Wi-Fi-like communication protocol established by the IEEE that defines the PHY and MAC layer for compatible solutions and delivers sufficient data rates to transmit audio, video, and multimedia services.

Li-Fi uses optical light to transfer data wirelessly. This MAC layer allows to building of links with other layers in the case of TCP IP Protocol.

History of LiFi

It was first demonstrated in a 2011 TED talk by German physicist Harald Hess. This technology was then demonstrated at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas using a pair of Casio smartphones to exchange data by using smartphones to transmit data at different intensities from their screens. Was able to detect up to a distance of ten meters using light.

A security aspect of Visible Light Communication (VLC) is that it is a Line of Sight methodology, which means that the device must have a line of sight to the light transmitter.

How LiFi work?

Implementing Li-Fi requires setting up a VLC system for data transmission. Li-Fi is a subset of OWC technology that uses LED as a type. This system requires a transmitter and constant current. Li-Fi is implemented using white LED light bulbs on the downlink transmitter which is illuminated only by applying a constant current. However more current will be more luminance and hence more data transfer speed.

Process  –

LED – ON – Transmission Digital 1.

LED – OFF – Transmission Digital 0.

An LED can be turned on and off at a very high speed which gives good opportunities to transmit data. The amount of data you want to encode directly depends on the rate at which the LEDs flicker.

Use of Li-Fi

There will be an LED bulb in LiFi technology, as far as the light range of that bulb will be, the range of LiFi is going to be. To extend the range, many various lights will be installed so that the entire area of ​​your home or office can be covered, it’ll be in the same way.

Advantages of Li-Fi

Li-Fi is much cheaper than Wi-Fi and does not require a license. It is a secure means of communication because optical waves do not pass through the walls. It works at the optical level on very fast means of communication and it can transmit thousands of data streams simultaneously in parallel at high speed.

LiFi Technology will prove to be very helpful in preventing problems like Hacking.

Many devices can be connected simultaneously in LiFi and even then there is no difference in its speed.

Through this technology, more data can be transferred in less time. This technology will be 100 times faster than WiFi.

LiFi has the advantage of being useful in electromagnetic-sensitive areas such as aircraft cabins, hospitals, and nuclear power plants without electromagnetic interference.


  1.  LOS operation
  2. Shorter Range
  3. Interference from sunlight
  4. Requires light as a  medium
  5. Higher initial cost

Who Invented LiFi Technology

LiFi technology was invented in 2011 by Professor Harald Haas of Edinburgh University. It is also a wireless networking facility just like Wi-Fi.


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